Parish Council Meeting

The next Parish Council is to be held on Tuesday 14th of January 2025, at 7:30 p.m.

in the Up Holland Methodist Church, Alma Hill, Up Holland, WN8 ONR.

Note: From 7.15pm to 7.30pm there will be 15 minutes for public participation

Members of the public do not take part in council meetings themselves.  However, members of the public who wish to make comments may address the Council at this point.  There is a normal time limit of four minutes per speech.

The agenda for the next meeting will be available on noticeboards, located below, three days before the meeting, and a link to it will be available here:

Agenda 140125 UpHPC

Location of noticeboards:

Hall Green:  outside The Artz Centre, WN8 0PB

Crawford Village:  outside Crawford Village Hut & Playing Fields, WN8 9QR

Tontine:  Sandbrooke Road, Orrell, WN5 7UB

Roby Mill:  Roby Mill Primary School, School Lane, Roby Mill, Up Holland, WN8 0QR

Garnett Lees, Ormskirk Road, Up Holland, WN8 0AA


Mrs Elizabeth-Anne Broad, JP, LLB(Hons), MA, CILCA

Clerk to Up Holland Parish Council




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